Dream Fire Falling from Sky – February 21, 2017

In February I had a dream unlike any dream I’d ever had before.  The absolute genuine nature of this dream was so dominant that the fuzziness encountered in my perception of the state of dreaming was absent.  This dream was as if I’d entered a doorway, never leaving reality.  I can still feel the heat and I can still hear the screams.  Today, Sunday, October 8, 2017, (roughly 7 months after this dream), I feel the Lord telling me that it’s now time to share this experience.

My Dream of Fire Falling from the Sky…

I was in our bedroom and i heard a loud commotion, like a shaking and rumbling outside.  I jumped out of bed and ran out the back door onto the patio to see what was going on.  I don’t know if I can describe this but I’ll try… When I stepped outside, the sky above was blackened out by this dark ash and smoke.. and above us was this gigantic cracked looking surface, (like a planet maybe, but nothing like ours).. I believe it was circular in shape but jagged like a giant rock broken into pieces.  Through the cracks of this thing it looked like the entire interior of it was filled with fire and through the cracks it was shooting fire and smoke everywhere – hitting trees and houses and destroying everything in sight…  People were so terrified, everyone was running different directions trying to escape this thing, screaming in fear, and it was complete chaos.  I woke up sweating and trembling.. and it was the worst feeling I’ve ever had because I felt in my spirit that this dream was a warning of something that will come.  In the days following, I cried and prayed asking God, “What am i supposed to do?  My husband is in a wheelchair and I have two kids.  If this is what is to come, how can i help my family escape this?”  I received the answer to my questions in two parts.  First, I was led to a scripture that corresponds with my dream. LUKE 21:26 – “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Secondly, I received another dream two days later.  See this dream labeled “Stand in Faith”.

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